CLIL mit Lapbook 3. Geografie. Lehrermaterial. Per la Scuola primaria

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Dettagli aggiuntivi sul libro | |
ISBN-13: | 9788859015987 |
ISBN-10: | 8859015987 |
Editore: | Erickson |
Collana: | I materiali |
Autore/i: | |
Scuola e materia: | Scuola primaria (Scuola elementare) |
Lingua: | Tedesco |
Descrizione: | Presentazione del materiale didattico per la scuola elementare.\nLa clil mit Lapbook 3. Geografie. Lehrermaterial. Per la Scuola primaria è un materiale didattico per lezioni della scuola primaria (elementare) tedesca, in cui sono incluse le basi di geografia e una sezione di educazione ambientale. L’edizione è corredata da illustrazioni a colori per facilitare il trattamento della materia e dal glossario che contiene le parole chiave necessarie alla comprens In the CLIL mit Lapbook 3, you'll find: 8.5\ x 11\ full-color reproducible pages, 1,000 vocabulary items in German, French, Spanish and English (4 languages), glossaries and index of phonetic correspondences for each language The CLIL mit Lapbook 3. Geografie. Lehrermaterial. Per la Scuola primaria is a German-English bilingual educational resource for the elementary school level that combines a foreign language textbook with an accompanying learner's guide. The book features high-quality illustrations and is created with the learner in mind to help make learning easier and more interesting.\n\nThe CLIL mit Lapbook 3. Geografie. Lehrermaterial. Per la Scuola primaria contains material designed to teach geography, including subjects such as: maps, climate zones, natural hazards, regions of the world, global cities, and geographic coordinates. The CLIL mit Lapbook 3 Geografie contains a full color text and many examples in a practical order. This volume covers three themes: Städte, Landschaften, Natur. It is intended for primary school students and is suitable for teaching by the teacher or in small groups. The teacher's materials were written by two German teachers who have been working as part of the Erickson I materiali team since 2013 and have published numerous books on geography. Für die Schule mit der Klasse 3. Geografie:\n- mit Lehrbuch\n- Materialien für den Unterricht mit einem Projektarbeit\n- Material für die Klassenarbeit\n- Materialien für die Schülerarbeit\n- Materialien zu den Unterrichtsstunden: Lernspiel, kleine Recherche, Hauptaufgabe und Lerntelefon - so wird jede Stunde am Lernerfolg messbar. |