Beowulf. Con CD-Audio

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Dettagli aggiuntivi sul libro | |
ISBN-13: | 9788820384463 |
ISBN-10: | 8820384469 |
Editore: | Hoepli |
Collana: | Letture in lingua |
Autore/i: | Anonimo |
Scuola e materia: | Scuola secondaria di secondo grado (Scuola superiore) |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Descrizione: | The audio book of Beowulf, in a language that is still spoken today. The story of the warrior-king Beowulf and his battle against the monster Grendel is told by an anonymous Anglo-Saxon scribe who wrote it down around 1000 A.D. We have translated it into English for your listening pleasure, so you can enjoy this classic tale of heroism and revenge in its original form. The Beowulf. Con CD-Audio contains the full text of the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, translated into English by Seamus Heaney in 1980. The text is presented in its original form with extensive notes and commentary on the language and cultural context of the poem.END>> The Beowulf. Con CD-Audio is a translation of anonimo hoepli letture in lingua scuola secondaria di secondo grado (Scuola superiore) inglese 9788820384463 LETTERATURE STRANIERE: TESTI, by Anonymous. The story of Beowulf, a Scandinavian hero from the early Middle Ages. The text is edited and translated by an anonymous English teacher to make it suitable for use in secondary schools. The Beowulf, a classic work of English literature, is a story about the adventures of a hero named Beowulf. The text was written and translated into English by an unknown author in the early 8th century. It is considered to be one of the foundational texts of English literature and has been adapted into various media, including episodes of the animated TV series Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands. |