Succeed in Cambridge. English movers. Pack. Student's book, Answers. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online. Con File audio per il download [Lingua inglese]: 8 Practice Tests: 2nd

9781781645246 Succeed in Cambridge. English movers. Pack. Student's book, Answers. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online. Con File audio per il download [Lingua inglese]: 8 Practice Tests: 2nd
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Dettagli aggiuntivi sul libro
ISBN-13: 9781781645246
ISBN-10: 1781645248
Editore: Global Elt
Autore/i: Lawrence Mamas, Andrew Betsis
Scuola e materia: Scuola primaria (Scuola elementare)
Lingua: Inglese
Descrizione: Are you struggling with English? Do you want to improve your English skills in a fun way? The Cambridge English Student's Book is the perfect solution. With this book, students learn about the most important parts of English: grammar, vocabulary, and writing. It includes 6 audio CDs with spoken explanations for every lesson and a CD-ROM with exercises to practice their newly learned skills. Con la Scuola elementare Inglese per la Scuola primaria, siete alla ricerca di un modo facile e conveniente per imparare l’inglese? Questo libro è perfetto per voi! In questo manuale di studi, troverete tutti i vocaboli che cercate e il lessico necessario per la vostra iscrizione ad un corso di inglese. L’intera grammatica è spiegata in punti semplici e chiari. A guide for parents and their children to help them learn English through fun activities. This book is ideal for the youngest learners and has activities that are suitable for both boys and girls. It includes a CD with recordings of native speakers speaking the language, as well as a workbook with exercises and games to help reinforce learning. The Global English Scuola Primaria (Elementary School English) is the perfect book for all young learners who want to improve their pronunciation and fluency. It's also a great resource for adults who need to brush up on their English skills while they're traveling or working abroad. This book includes an answer key and a CD that contains audio clips of every word in the book read by native speakers. This is a new edition of the successful \Succeed in Cambridge. English Movers\ series. It includes all the books and audio-visual materials needed for students to learn English at school. Books are designed to be used by students, teachers, and parents. They will help children prepare for the Cambridge English: Primary (Key Stage 1) exam, which is the first step towards taking their IELTS test. The book includes answers to all the exercises in the Student's Book, as well as additional information about how to succeed in Cambridge.