Practice Tests Plus Pre A1 Starters Students' Book [Lingua inglese]

9781292240282 Practice Tests Plus Pre A1 Starters Students' Book [Lingua inglese]
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Dettagli aggiuntivi sul libro
ISBN-13: 9781292240282
ISBN-10: 1292240288
Editore: Pearson Education
Collana: Cambridge english qualifications
Autore/i: Boyd, Elaine
Scuola e materia: Scuola primaria (Scuola elementare)
Lingua: Inglese
Descrizione: L'inglese è un problema, e non è facile. Per questo motivo, per lo sviluppo di tutte le sue capacità e il miglioramento delle sue abilità, si dovrebbe studiare ogni giorno. In questo libro avrete a disposizione una serie di esercizi che vi aiuteranno ad affrontare i test più difficili e quelli più semplici. I rimandi sulla pagina della risposta aggiuntiva sono un'ottima idea per tenere traccia dei progressi fatti dai vostri bambini. Queste prove a scelta consentono di raggruppare le domande in modalità differente, rendendo più semplice la vita delle Teach your children and students about the world of English, beginning with grammar and a range of activities designed to help them build their confidence. This Student's Book is accompanied by an online version that provides access to additional practice tests and exercises. Practice tests plus Pre A1 Starters. Student's book. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online, by Banchetti Marcella Boyd Elaine Pearson Longman Cambridge english qualifications Scuola primaria (Scuola elementare) Inglese 9781292240282 EDUCAZIONE Practice tests plus Pre A1 Starters. Student's book. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online. Contains 2 practice tests and an English course for all levels, with over 300 tasks in the workbook, ideal for practicing revision skills or teaching English to children at primary level. Includes a CD-ROM containing an interactive online version of the course with audio pronunciation and text transcripts of every task; students can also view their progress and compare their answers with those of others around the world.\n\nName: FlashCharge flashlight\n\nCharacteristics: multi-color, LED\nDescription: You know what's sucky about regular flashlights? They only come in two colors: white or that yellowish-white that reminds us of the teeth of an avid coffee drinker. What fun is that kind of flashlight? We'll answer that: NO FUN AT ALL. You know what is fun? Using the Multi-Color LED Flashlight to cast a sickly green glow Learn English with the help of our practice tests and Pre-A1 Starters Workbook. If you're looking for something to help your child study for the Cambridge English: Primary (Elementary) exam, this is a great choice. The Student's Book has plenty of activities for you and your children to do together, whether it's studying vocabulary or writing about their family.