Practice Tests Plus A1 Movers Teacher's Guide [Lingua inglese]

9781292240251 Practice Tests Plus A1 Movers Teacher's Guide [Lingua inglese]
Dettagli aggiuntivi sul libro
ISBN-13: 9781292240251
ISBN-10: 1292240253
Editore: Pearson Longman
Collana: Cambridge english qualifications
Autore/i: Aravanis, Rosemary
Scuola e materia: Scuola primaria (Scuola elementare)
Lingua: Inglese
Descrizione: Practice tests plus A1 Movers. Teacher's book. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online. Con CD-ROM e materiale online\nPer l'apprendimento del linguaggio inglese per le scuole primarie\nAravanis Rosemary Boyd Elaine Pearson Longman Cambridge english qualifications Scuola primaria (Scuola elementare) Inglese\n9781292240251 EDUCAZIONE\nCon CD-ROM e materiale online This practice test is an essential resource for students preparing for the Cambridge English: Primary (Early Years) examination. The book includes more than 500 multiple-choice questions and answers, with detailed comments on their correct answers. The accompanying teacher's book includes full notes on all the grammar and vocabulary in the tests. Practice tests plus A1 Movers. Teacher's book. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online. Con CD-ROM A1 Movers is a complete pack of practice tests, teacher's book, and online materials for the Cambridge English qualifications Scuola primaria (Scuola elementare) Inglese. The practice tests are divided into four levels with three tests in each level. The book includes a full range of activities from grammar and vocabulary to reading comprehension, writing skills, and speaking. With the online tools available at you can access additional resources such as video clips, audio files, and exam-style answer sheets for extra practice. Containing over 500 questions, with answers and explanations, this Practice tests plus A1 Movers. Teacher's book. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online. Con contains the following features:\n- Interactive digital exercises with audio\n- Content analysis of all vocabulary in the book\n- Audio recordings of all dialogues in the book\n- Self-study videos to help you learn grammar