Practice Tests Plus A2 Flyers Teacher's Guide [Lingua inglese]

9781292240220 Practice Tests Plus A2 Flyers Teacher's Guide [Lingua inglese]
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Dettagli aggiuntivi sul libro
ISBN-13: 9781292240220
ISBN-10: 1292240229
Editore: Pearson Longman
Collana: Cambridge english qualifications
Autore/i: Alevizos, Kathryn
Scuola e materia: Scuola primaria (Scuola elementare)
Lingua: Inglese
Descrizione: English for the elementary school is a popular course with many students in Italy. The Cambridge English Scuola Primaria Teacher's Book is designed to help students at all levels of language ability, and includes a comprehensive range of activities, exercises, and tests. Practice tests plus A2 Flyers. Teacher's book. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online. With new expanded edition online: a complete course for learning English for beginners (Scuola primaria) with Cambridge English qualifications teacher's manual and student's book, audio CD, and support materials. This is the best way to learn English in Italy! Practice tests plus A2 Flyers. Teacher's book. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online. Con CD-ROM-LINGUA Inglese Espanol French Spanish 9781292240211 EDUCAZIONE Now you can teach your students how to practice like a pro. Practice tests plus A2 Flyers. Teacher's book. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online. Con CD-ROM is a complete course for the Cambridge English qualifications for teachers of Italian, Spanish, or French as a foreign language (Alevizos Kathryn Boyd Elaine Pearson Longman). This text also provides you with an online expansion pack, including digital reproductions of all the workbook pages and tests from the teacher's edition! Practice tests plus A2 Flyers. Teacher's book. Per la Scuola elementare. Con espansione online. Con CD-ROM.