Gold first. Maximiser. With key. Per le Scuole superiori. Con espansione online

9781292202242  Gold first. Maximiser. With key. Per le Scuole superiori. Con espansione online
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Dettagli aggiuntivi sul libro
ISBN-13: 9781292202242
ISBN-10: 1292202246
Editore: Pearson Longman
Autore/i: Sally Burgess
Scuola e materia: Scuola secondaria di secondo grado (Scuola superiore)
Lingua: Inglese
Descrizione: This is the authoritative text for students of English and English as a foreign language. In questo volume sono raccolte le traduzioni di cinquanta testi di scrittori inglesi della seconda metà del XX secolo, fra i quali Chaucer, Shakespeare e Austen.\n\nThis book contains fifty English translations of the texts of authors from the second half of the 20th century, such as Chaucer, Shakespeare and Austen. A complete English language course with the added bonus of a key and an online component. Features a fully-integrated textbook and audio CDs that allow you to learn anywhere, anytime. This course is suitable for students in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. This title is for all the students who want to improve their English skills and get ahead in school. This book is the perfect solution to help you learn how to speak, write, and understand English better. \n\nThe Burgess Sally Newbrook Jacky Pearson Longman Scuola secondaria di secondo grado (Scuola superiore) Inglese 9781292202242 LINGUA INGLESE E ANGLOSASSONE provides a wide range of activities that will allow you to practice your skills in an interactive way. With opportunities to test yourself on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading comprehension, and more, this book will help you gain confidence in your abilities. It also includes an online key that allows students to take quizzes electronically or printable flashcards when they are on the go. The Gold First. Maximiser. With Key. Per le Scuole Superiori. Con Espansione Online is a comprehensive language reference for students who are studying English or French at the upper secondary level, or at any level of study, for that matter. The dictionary offers extensive definitions, usage examples, and excerpts from the original texts of over 1,000 entries.